VENTURA product range comprises school bags, backpacks,and Messenger Bags. We also deal in travel bags, tot bags, toilet kits, ladies purses, gents shoulder bags, waist pouches, office bags etc. Every year the company launches an exclusive series of designs based on different themes. One can choose from a vast variety of designs . "Developed after extensive research, our bags are a hallmark of quality and reliability.
A strong distribution network ensures that VENTURA range of products are available in cities across Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chattishgarh, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Company also supplies to countries in Middle East and Africa.
Quality, Righteousness and Openness are three values integral to VENTURA. Quality is the most important of our values. Our Company policies rotate around delivering superior quality products to our customers. We make no compromise in matters of quality. We believe quality leads to satisfaction, not just of customers but also ourselves.
Righteousness is virtue that comes naturally to us. In all our deals – Be it with our partners, employees, customers or any party associated with us, we follow an upright method of dealing. We are driven by satisfaction of our shareholders and not by profits.
Moreover we have an open and fair work culture. We do business in an absolute transparent way. A pioneer in the school bags sector, the company has put in stringent quality checks in its production processes. All raw materials, which go into the production of VENTURA products, are thoroughly checked. Finally all batches are checked again before dispatching the products to retail stores.